The Library


The library area in the bottom part of the interface has 6 sections.



This image shows a collection of Patches. You can filter the patches by a Project Filter and create a new patch by pressing on the 'Create Patch'. More information on the Patches page.



Clips are grouped by Banks, you can filter the clips by selecting a from the Bank Filter. Clips can be loaded by drag and drop or selecting clip then destination Slot.

Aux Rack


The Aux Rack section has 4 areas, See Tapes, Plugins|Stacks, Global User Assignments and Drivers.

Plugins can be loaded in the same manner as the clips but also into an empty FX Stack slots. Most require a source to effect (GREY), but some can act as a source (GOLD) and some as Mixer (BLUE) or even a combo of these options.


Gives access to Video Feeds, Midi Devices and Audio Feeds.

Audio Feed Indicators

See Audio Response